Saturday 11 June 2011

Prussian Brigade 1812-13 Attacking Array

So, I`ve used my Heroics & Ros 6mm Prussians above to show the Prussian brigade of 1812 in attacking formation:
I`ve placed the brigade general in the first line in the usual position for a regulating battalion. The senior colonel is with the grenadiers (and on a white horse) in the third line reserve; his junior is with his first battalion of musketeers of his regiment in the centre of the second line.
This seems to make more sense having the brigade general change his position to wheel on either pivot, and it would be no different for a brigade general in any other army to do this and in this, even though the brigade general is obliged to alter his position according to circumstances the degree of control would still seem to be much better than it would be if the seven battalions and cavalry were arrayed in line, or even in two lines.
Alternatively, one could have the brigade general swap positions with the junior colonel of the brigade in the second line?

1 comment:

  1. After seeking some advice and information on the yahoogroup, apparently the position of the first line general would be correct for a forward movement.

    In addition to the brigade general, two officers are required to command and
    direct the brigade; "Treffen Kommandierte"; one for the first line or "treffen"
    and another for the resevre.
    Prussian brigades were regulated on the first line proper (the Musketeers) and
    as per the general rules by the leading, centre, or by flanks as circumstances
    would have dictated.
    From 1812, Prussian Fusilier battalions (termed the Avant-Garde) were not considered a
    Treffen but were primarily employed as the brigade's skirmishers, their supports
    and reserves.
