Saturday, 4 June 2011


I played out a variant of the Haslach-Jungingen scenario game ending.
I played "solo" from the point in our previous game when the Austrian attacks on the French left were finally beaten off.
In this case however, a French square was broken and the whole of Dupont`s line was made to test morale until it was forced to retire one move... during this time however, Mack taking personal command of his own regiment, after three turns of combat, beat the French Dragoons, pursued them and then rallied to rout the French Hussars.
By this time it was growing dark and having lost possession of Haslach, and his cavalry support driven off, Dupont ordered a withdrawal of his troops in square.
This proves that Mack can win in this scenario.
Although it was a defeat for the French, considering the costs, it was still not quite enough of a convincing victory for the Austrians within the conditions and the time limits that are set in the scenario; with Reisch`s and Werneck`s infantry commands beaten they were not in a good condition to break out from Ulm - and they had only fought a single French division.

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